
我喜屋 明 主幹牧師夫妻

最近、教会は「虹の教会」をテーマに前進しています。空にかかる虹は私たちの「もし」を打ち消す神様の約束の虹。今日、あなたの上を覆い、励まし、慰め、照らしているかもしれません。皆さんとイエス・キリストの恵みを共に分かち合えれば感謝です。 ぜひ一度、教会にお越しください。
牧師 我喜屋 明・昌子
“Greetings from Pastor Akira Gakiya”
You may assume I am from Okinawa because of my name, but I was born and raised in Sakai. The former Pastor (my father) moved to Sakai, Osaka during the turmoil of World War II. He met the Swedish missionaries, and my mother, and I was born.
“If he had not left Okinawa…”
“If the missionaries had not been there….”
But I am here, now–beyond many “ifs” woven in God’s history.
Recently, our church has been moving forward, carrying “Rainbow Church” as its theme. A rainbow in the sky is God’s promise that dispels our “if.” It may be covering, encouraging, comforting, and shining upon you today. I would be very grateful if I could share and taste the grace of Jesus Christ with you. I am looking forward to seeing you.
福留 正明 牧師夫妻

初めまして、牧師の福留正明と、妻の登喜代です。 ホームページをご覧いただきありがとうございます。この機会に聖書やキリスト教に関心をもっていただけたのなら本当に嬉しく思います。私たちの教会は北欧スウェーデンにルーツをもつ、本当の平安と喜び、楽しさ、いのちに溢れた、地域に開かれた教会を目指していますが、ホームページではお伝えするにも限りがあります。
“Greetings from Pastor Fukudome”
Greetings! My name is Masaaki Fukudome, and my wife’s is Tokiyo. I am associate pastor at Sakai Evangelical Church.
Thank you for visiting our home page. I am very happy if you become interested in the Bible and Christianity after browsing our site.
Our church has roots in Sweden, Northern Europe and we aim to be a church that is full of true peace, joy, fun, and life–and to share what we enjoy with our community.
There is only so much we can communicate through a website. As the saying goes, “Seeing is believing”–so please visit with us on a Sunday morning and see for yourself. There are many people in the worship service. When you come, please feel free to talk to us. We are looking forward to meeting you.
我喜屋 豊 伝道師

“Greetings from Pastor Yutaka Gakiya”
Thank you for visiting our website. My name is Yutaka Gakiya, and I am a youth pastor from Sakai Evangelical Church. As you can see in the “Groups” section of our website, our church has people from the elderly to the young and even little children, and we gather together to worship the same God in this intergenerational fellowship. As we listen to the words of God from the Bible, sing praises, and pray, each one of us receives the truth that “God loves me”. I am one of them. I hope that you can taste the love and grace that God is pouring out to you through worship and fellowship. I would be happy if we could have a time together to rest in the rest from God . Please come and join us in our church.